Welcome to CFOInfo

Welcome to the District's web-based budget (amount of money planned for expenditures) and expenditures (the amount actually spent) dashboard. This dashboard includes data to present actual expenditures for Fiscal Years (FY) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2013, and 2014, the FY 2015 Approved Budget, and the FY 2016 Proposed Budget.

Users can view these data in graphical or tabular views, and create comparisons and cross-tabs for more detailed analysis of budget data. All data mirrors the information contained in the District's budget books. Users can also download raw data from any view into multiple formats including PDF, XLS and CSV.

The dashboard has been optimized to work with Internet Explorer version 7 and above, as well as Mozilla Firefox.

Users can choose one of several views:
  • Summary: An interactive graphical view of the District's budget allowing users to drill down by type of fund or by expense type. This view also allows user to filter on specific information they are interested in.
  • Detail: Further choices are as follows:
    • By Agency: This interactive tabular view shows budget and expenditures broken down by agency and funding source. Start with this view to see, for example, Local Funds expenditures and budgets across all agencies or a particular agency.
    • By Fund: This interactive tabular view shows operating budgets and expenditures by fund, organized by the agency hierarchy down to the program level. Start with this view to see, for example, expenditures and budgets by Local versus Federal versus Other Funds within an agency.
    • By Expense Type: This interactive tabular view shows operating budgets and expenditures by type of expense. Start with this view to see expenditures and budgets by personal and nonpersonal service categories (For example: salaries, fringe benefits, fixed costs, contracts and supplies)
    • By Program/Activity: This interactive tabular view shows operating budgets and expenditures broken down by program/division and activity
  • Summary: Additional information focused on Special Purpose Revenue. This view also allows user to filter on specific information they are interested in.
  • Detail: Further choices are as follows:
    • By Program/Division: This interactive tabular view shows budget and expenditures broken down by program or division and by the specific Special Purpose Revenue fund. Start with this view to see, for example, Special Purpose Revenue expenditures and budgets by program/division and by funding source within an agency.
    • By Expense Type: This interactive tabular view shows operating budgets and expenditures by type of expense. Start with this view to see Special Purpose Revenue expenditures and budgets by personal and nonpersonal service categories (For example: salaries, fringe benefits, fixed costs, contracts and supplies)
  • Summary: Additional information focused on federal grants. This view also allows user to filter on specific information they are interested in.
  • Detail: Further choices are as follows:
    • By Program/Division: This interactive tabular view shows budget and expenditures broken down by program or division and by the specific federal grant. Start with this view to see, for example, federal grant expenditures and budgets by program/division and by grant within an agency.
    • By Grant: This interactive tabular view shows budget and expenditures broken down by the specific federal grant and by program or division. Start with this view to see, for example, federal grant expenditures and budgets by grant and by program/division within an agency.
    • By Expense Type: This interactive tabular view shows operating budgets and expenditures by type of expense. Start with this view to see federal grant expenditures and budgets by personal and nonpersonal service categories (For example: salaries, fringe benefits, fixed costs, contracts and supplies)
  • Operating Financial Status Reports: An interactive comprehensive review of the District's operating accounts, with particular focus on local funds. The report is prepared on a "fiscal year" basis, similar to the District's CAFR and includes all financial transactions as well as all active encumbrances. The Financial Status Report contains:
    • District-wide Reports
    • Fund-level reports and
    • Agency- Specific Reports (Please note that this report may take few minutes to run as it is a comprehensive report, for the entire fiscal year).
  • Capital Financial Status Reports: An interactive comprehensive review of the District's capital expenditures as well as obligations for respective quarter, with selections for desired fiscal year and quarter. The Capital Financial Status Report contains:
    • By Agency - which provides a summary of the expenditures by owner agency, for all agencies with capital expenditures
    • Expenditures By Month which provides summary expenditures by; month, quarter, fund source; and by implementing agency
    • Projects Summary - which provides project level expenditure details, grouped by owner agency (which can be selected in the drop down above the report). Further analysis can be done with the appropriate selection of the desired appropriation fund within this tab.
  • Summary: An interactive graphical view of the District's capital budget allowing users to drill down to the individual project level, by budget type and budget category. This view also allows users to filter on specific information they are interested in and to see the top ten projects in a set of six different categories.
  • Detail: Further choices are as follows:
    • By Agency: This interactive tabular view shows both budget authority and budget allotments along with expenditures broken down by cluster agency and funding source. Start with this view to see, for example, Local Funds expenditures and budgets across all agencies or a particular agency.
    • By Ward: This interactive tabular view shows capital budgets and expenditures by fund, organized by the Ward down to the project level. Start with this view to see, for example, expenditures and budgets for Ward 1 versus Ward 8.
  • FY 2016 to FY 2021 Capital Improvements Plan

Office of Budget and Planning
Office of the Chief Financial Officer